The forecast last night called for rain overnight, into the morning, and pretty much all today.  With that in mind we all battened down the hatches on our tents and only took with us what we needed over night and first thing in the morning.  Everything else went back in the Tasco Truck.  Anyone who awoke in the middle of the night heard the pitter patter of rain on their tent, but we never got any torrential downpours.  We awoke to soggy ground and dripping trees, but nothing more than a drizzle so far today.  'Tis only 9:00am as I type this.  We have been so lucky!!  Forecast still calls for chance of rain midday and storms around dinner time.  Our master meal planner will be on afternoon driving duty in the CRV so she can check out our next campsite and make a decision about what to cook----complicated, simple, or whether or not we shuttle everyone to an indoor eating option (ssshhhh....don't tell the students that pizza out might be an option!), and then take care of the grocery shopping.  

Since early yesterday we have been riding on La Route Verte #1---a relatively flat path that goes for kilometers and kilometers through rural Quebec.  As you can see from the photos below, this path has wonderful stopping places at crossroads where the SAG wagon can stop and help everyone refuel.  I am currently typing this from the Halte de Lac Kelly as seen in the photos below.  I am about 15 miles out from the campsite we left this morning.  I am thankful for a nice picnic table that is under cover in case it starts to rain.  My only beef is with the mosquito population.  There are times when I say, "Thank goodness for DEET."  Riders will let me know if they want another SAG stop around mile 25 or are feeling strong with today's flat path  under cooler cloud cover and just want to head to Victoriaville for lunch around mile 35.  Today will be about 70 miles.  

Okay...photos aren't loading so I will post this now and add photos later when I have better internet service.  

Til then...thanks for reading!
Breakfast this morning was more of a quick bagel or bowl of cereal.  Threat of rain made us hold off on eggs.

Everyone is just about ready to head out!  Rachel Sanders is leading the pack this morning.

Our tents were right by the pool that we basically had to ourselves.  The kids' pool was a distance away, so only a few adults came by for a dip with us.  

Hmmmm....Tropical Camping in rural Quebec Canada...Interesting concept, but we enjoyed the pool after a hot ride yesterday :)

A fairly typical scene yesterday and today.

Quebec knows how to make bike riding with many conveniences along the way--bathroom on the left, picnic table outside and under the roof, and even a playground for Emily, Maddie and Sammie!!!

The "hard pack" isn't easy for all our riders, but it beats the fast traffic on the main road!!  


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